Oct 15, 2020

Rebel poetry.

"Rebellion is perhaps among the deepest roots of science: the refusal to accept the present order of things."

"Perhaps poetry is another of science's deepest roots: the capacity to see beyond visible."

Carlo Rovelli, The Order of Time

Photo: Dejan

Jan 2, 2020


"We cannot allow what divides us as individuals to continue to undermine what unites us as a people, what brings us together as Americans***."

*** Substitute the last word with the name of any community we are part of, smallest to largest.

Homeland, Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa

Photo: China Embassy in Slovenia

Nov 10, 2019


"And there are so many reasons to live! As a sentient being, you have the potential to flourish. You can refine your faculty of reason itself by learning and debating. You can seek explanations of the natural world through science, and insight into the human condition through the arts and humanities. You can make the most of your capacity for pleasure and satisfaction, which allowed your ancestors to thrive and thereby allowed you to exist. You can appreciate the beauty and richness of the natural and cultural world. As the heir to billions of years of life perpetuating itself, you can perpetuate life in turn. You have been endowed with a sense of sympathy—the ability to like, love, respect, help, and show kindness—and you can enjoy the gift of mutual benevolence with friends, family, and colleagues. And because reason tells you that none of this is particular to you, you have the responsibility to provide to others what you expect for yourself. You can foster the welfare of other sentient beings by enhancing life, health, knowledge, freedom, abundance, safety, beauty, and peace. History shows that when we sympathize with others and apply our ingenuity to improving the human condition, we can make progress in doing so, and you can help to continue that progress."

Steven Pinker - Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

Photo: Dejan

Dec 12, 2018

Unquestionable answers.

“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” ― Richard Feynman (supposedly)

Photo: Dejan

Aug 26, 2017

Design for everyone. Including You.

It began with the fact that the Elon Musk greatly warned of the danger when artificial intelligence would seriously enter the war industry. The latest step is a collective call to ban the killer robots. (Which might be too late anyhow.)

But then, Caroline Sinders comes to what Elon has forgotten before that and how most (including his) technology contributes to discrimination.

In one sentence: "You should worry about who has a say over the future - the whole world is not D.C. or Silicon Valley - so how do we design for everyone?"

Including You, the reader of this post.

Here is yet her another article about how data is processed (in)correctly, on the basis of which we and artificial intelligence (mis)understand the world. And You.

Photo: Dejan

May 11, 2017

Vinod and Dejan.

(Invitation for a UP FTŠ Turistica students workshop with Vinod Sasidharan.)

Spoštovani študenti, UP FTŠ Turistico bo v Portorožu konec maja v okviru programa Erasmus+ (KA107) obiskal strokovnjak s področja trajnostnega razvoja turizma, dr. Vinod Sasidharan iz San Diego State University.

Dr. Sasidharan je eden od ustanoviteljev združenja AIRTH.global in soorganizator mednarodne konference AIRTH/Encuentros 2017, kjer sta bila marca letos poleg strokovnih in akademskih prispevkov na temo inovativnosti v turizmu organizirana (1) odmevna okrogla miza lanskih inovativnih nagrajencev Slovenske turistične organizacije ter (2) terenski obiski nagrajenih sejalcev in snovalcev po Sloveniji.

Tako razvojno naravnana okrogla miza kot obiski so se izkazali za učinkovit pristop k povezovanju teorije in prakse ter mednarodni izmenjavi izkušenj in mnenj o turistični ponudbi in njenih nadgradnjah - tudi za študente, ki so vzporedno s konferenco izvedli prvi, uspešni in zelo dobro obiskani start-up vikend.

Dr. Vinod Sasidharan in dr. Dejan Križaj bova od ponedeljka 22. do torka 23. 5. 2017 na voljo študentom, ki bi se želeli pogovoriti o lastnih turističnih idejah ter njihovemu iskanju, raziskovanju, razvoju in trajnostnemu uresničevanju. V ponedeljek in torek bosta organizirani dve predavanjih z gosti, po katerih bo možen skupinski ali individualni pogovor. Če se nameravate dohodkov udeležiti, se prijavite preko obrazca na spodnji povezavi.

Ponedeljek 22.5. - 15:00 - 18:30 - predavalnica 001
Obvezna prijava na dogodek tiny.cc/1705vinod 

Dr. Vinod Sasidharan
"Integrating sustainable tourism and service learning into curriculum"
Projekti sodelovanja na področju trajnostnega turizma med gospodarstvom in študenti

Gostja: Mateja Kozlovič, Hiške Slovenske Istre
magistrska diplomantka UP FTŠ Turistice
prejemnica nagrade STO snovalec 2011 za najbolj inventivno idejo

Torek 23.5. - 9:30 - 13:00 - predavalnica 001
Obvezna prijava na dogodek tiny.cc/1705vinod 

Dr. Vinod Sasidharan
"Sustainable tourism beyond environmental protection"

Gost: Iztok Bončina
doktorski študent UP FTŠ Turistice
Vesolje - nova (tudi trajnostna?) turistična destinacija

Photo: Dejan
Vinod in San Diego, April 2017

Nov 27, 2016

Disagree. Healthy.

"Note further that in science, conformity is anathema to success. The persistent accusations that we are all trying to agree with one another is laughable to scientists attempting to advance their careers. The best way to get famous in your own lifetime is to pose an idea that is counter to prevailing research and which ultimately earns a consistency of observations and experiment. This ensures healthy disagreement at all times while working on the bleeding edge of discovery." Neil deGrasse Tyson


Photo: Dejan

Jul 23, 2015


"Silicon Valley entrepreneurs mostly view cultural, institutional, governance and even dating issues as technology challenges waiting to be solved. But the challenge and promise of a new future must be addressed holistically. The creations coming out of Silicon Valley in the form of apps, devices and software platforms are not so much facilitating a 'race against the machines,' but a race against our own social institutions, values and practices, and that is the future." 

Photo: Dejan


Feb 23, 2015


Great service innovation jumps between two countries that are more alike than meets the eye wink emoticon Thank you, Kotaro!
 — at Jaist Satellite.


Feb 2, 2015


"We’re only here for a short while. And I think it’s such a lucky accident, having been born, that we’re almost obliged to pay attention. In some ways, this is getting far afield. I mean, we are — as far as we know — the only part of the universe that’s self-conscious. We could even be the universe’s form of consciousness. We might have come along so that the universe could look at itself. I don’t know that, but we’re made of the same stuff that stars are made of, or that floats around in space. But we’re combined in such a way that we can describe what it’s like to be alive, to be witnesses. Most of our experience is that of being a witness. We see and hear and smell other things. I think being alive is responding." Mark Strand (1934–2014)

Photo: Dejan


Jan 27, 2015


"The online learning partnership offsets some of the disadvantages that can come with being a high-achieving student in a small, isolated school district, providing the chance to take challenging academic courses that many schools can't offer."

In which part of this wiring is your switch?


Photo: Dejan

Dec 25, 2014

New learning and engagement.

"(...) we tend to feel awfully guilty about it, supposing that our time in front of our devices should be “constructive” and “productive” when it is, in reality, both productive and aimless. Since our lives have pretty much moved to the screen, we can expect our time on the Internet to be as varied as life itself. It’s a mistake to describe our online experience as monolithic: sometimes we need to work and other times we need to drift, to waste time, to fuck off. Learning and engagement continues as before, but it takes new and different forms. I think it’s time to drop the guilt about wasting time on the Internet, and move on. Surely we’re more complex than that."

Kenneth Goldsmith, Why I am Teaching A Course Called “Wasting Time on the Internet“


Photo: Dejan

Jan 26, 2014

Books to recommend.

"It is really hard to say which books one should recommend. The best is if they are somehow intriguing, kind of not the obvious choices. Books that open a new way of thinking, a new culture, present a person´s world that one is not so familiar with."
Pekka Metso


Photo: Dejan

Nov 5, 2013

Boundary Spanners for Contemporary Problems

"It is logical to expect that if academia were to become more institutionally organized to tackle contemporary problems in the way that competitive firms are expected to behave rather than remain tied to historical disciplinary boundaries, then one would expect that boundary spanners would obtain better near-term outcomes."

Feb 25, 2011


Transparent future.
Via tnooz.

Nov 25, 2010

What are you thinking right now?

The final question/answer of the video are worth waiting.
Via DailyBits.

Aug 8, 2010


Michael Witbrock's tweet:

at iCiS workshop "No single human can synthesize data from 100 million scientific articles and 1,000 data sources" -> no set of humans can

Photo: Dejan