Jan 30, 2007

Virbus Helsinki meeting

Virbus Helsinki meeting was a very pleasant European experience. Four EU countries, 20 members project group, northern winter (wooden-burned public sauna is a must) and a lot of fun, especially with proxy-servers and ther bug-fixing with needles :) Some pictures.

Jan 29, 2007

Where University students fail

Interesting points that Daniel Scocco mentions in his Innovation Zen's article about 13 competencies you will not learn at the University: " ... I am skeptic about the value you get from University degrees and MBA programs. In my opinion most of the traditional education focus too much on knowledge while neglecting the development of competencies and attitudes."

He mentiones following missing competencies:
getting to the point, making proper presentations, working on a team, writing a resume, interviewing, networking, accountability, money management, taking the initiative, strategic planning, dressing for success, negotiating a raise, writing a letter of resignation.