Dec 18, 2007


Another goody in my collection of razor sharp web posts (from here). Dealing with habits of highly innovative people.

1. Persistence - Innovation involves more than just great ideas. We need faith, hard work and a laser sharp focus for the end result to keep persisting for our vision in the face of roadblocks. We tend to see the end result of a creative idea in awe, but what we don’t see are the actions, hard work and persistence behind the scene to make the vision a reality.

The other six are:

2. Remove Self-Limiting Inhibitions
3. Take Risks, Make Mistakes
4. Escape
5. Writing Things Down
6. Find Patterns & Create Combinations
7. Curiosity

(Photo: Dejan Križaj)

Dec 4, 2007

Be cool.

The power of managerial terrorism is not the only option when accomplishing common goals.

"Great ideas and shared values drive people. They call it - cool power."

I love this post.

(Photo: Dejan Križaj)

Dec 1, 2007


Nice concept of dealing with a nasty topic.