Dec 10, 2009

Suddenly great?

"No great thing is created suddenly." - Epictetus

Via: Alex

Photo: Dejan, Museum of Too Modern Art

Oct 27, 2009

Fun Theory.

How to evolve? With the help of fun!
Thanks, iAlja, for this great video and post.

Only tools and mechanisms.

Technology is only a tool. Market is only a mechanism that separates effective from ineffective.

How we use technology (for nuclear weapons or nuclear power stations) and how much wilderness we leave on market - this depends on us only.

Blaž Kos

Photo: Dejan

Sep 9, 2009


Plan to be surprised.

From Dan in Real Life (2007)

Photo: Dejan

Jun 28, 2009

What cripples kids?

Taras Kermauner gives precise description of briliant father character in Bogdan Novak's novel Niki: "Reader is disgusted while following his deformed behaviour, moralistic violence of archaic authoritarianism, which cripples children, instead of rising them through love and solidarity into free people."

Slovene original: "Sijajen je lik očeta - gradbenika; bralcu se upira, ko sledi njegovemu deformiranemu značaju, moralističnemu nasilju arhaične avtoritarnosti, ki otroke pohablja, namesto, da bi jih vzgajal v ljubezni in solidarnosti v svobodne ljudi."

Photo: Dejan

Jun 10, 2009

Top-notch or only good?

"Kaplan has taught me that wise man has plenty of ideas and the only thing that differentiates top-notch of only good is the way how idea is carried out, how it becomes reality."

A Life Decoded by J. Craig Venter

Photo: Dejan

Apr 4, 2009

Religion and culture.

Another religion/culture clash. Only in Slovene, unfortunately. Try


Mar 23, 2009

Human imperfection neglects serious/precise approach?

"So don't brood over everything in that super-serious way of yours. All of us (by which I mean all of us, both normal and not-so-normal) are imperfect human beings living in an imperfect world. We don't live with the mechanical precision of a bank account or by measuring all our lines and angles with rulers and protractors. Am I right?"

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Photo: Dejan

Mar 21, 2009

Give a way to hand it to you.

"If you need something from somebody, always give that person a way to hand it to you."

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Photo: Dejan - flower giving bees a way