Dec 25, 2014

New learning and engagement.

"(...) we tend to feel awfully guilty about it, supposing that our time in front of our devices should be “constructive” and “productive” when it is, in reality, both productive and aimless. Since our lives have pretty much moved to the screen, we can expect our time on the Internet to be as varied as life itself. It’s a mistake to describe our online experience as monolithic: sometimes we need to work and other times we need to drift, to waste time, to fuck off. Learning and engagement continues as before, but it takes new and different forms. I think it’s time to drop the guilt about wasting time on the Internet, and move on. Surely we’re more complex than that."

Kenneth Goldsmith, Why I am Teaching A Course Called “Wasting Time on the Internet“

Photo: Dejan

Jan 26, 2014

Books to recommend.

"It is really hard to say which books one should recommend. The best is if they are somehow intriguing, kind of not the obvious choices. Books that open a new way of thinking, a new culture, present a person´s world that one is not so familiar with."
Pekka Metso

Photo: Dejan