Jun 25, 2007

Working for your pension?

According to the author below, last year's HSBC survey results showed that among 20.000 adults around the world 60% of them intend to work after they have retired. As Dr. Patrick Dixon says:

"In future in many nations it will be a crime to discriminate on the basis of age, to force someone out of a job simply because they are 'too old', when they are fit and able to do the job as well as anyone else."

"Most people who retire say they are as busy after retirement than before. While this may not be accurate, the fact is that total leisure becomes boring to many people after a while."

How much money AND leisure activities should we then utilize when young-and-active and how much should we save for retired-and-active stage?
(foto: Dejan Križaj - active grandfather Janko /left/ and active sisters' father-in-law Jože)